Monday, March 12, 2007


My Slippies gave me blisters. Friday night it was a double date of sorts we went out with Ricky and Nelly, we hit up Strike. That place is super fun. I played a lot of games and Matt won a HUGE My Little Pony stuffed animal for me. They did some bowling, I opted not to play. After all that we all went and had a late dinner. Saturday came, babes and I took another trip to Petco in Union Square. We bought some more things for a HUGE fish tank. I never mentioned that we have a new addition to the family named Sly Sly as of three weeks ago. Sunday came around and we went to The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Classy. I opened drawers from the 1800's that said Do Not Touch, I'm a rebel. It was nice out yesterday, we walked through Central Park. NOTE: every little kid we saw yesterday was a ginger. So I'm supposed to have an interview this week, we'll see. Babes starts school today. All steps for our future. Soon we will be looking for a new place to live. I foresee many new things/changes in 2007.