Thursday, December 9, 2010

Happy Holidays!

December is here! My favorite time of year. The tree is going up this weekend (2 weeks late). This will be the first weekend I won't be doing things around Manhattan. We went to the Christmas Spectacular a couple weeks ago, I had never gone before. Then went to the tree lighting and Ellen's Stardust Diner last weekend. It's been freezing the last couple days. I swear the older I get the more the cold bothers me. I used to LOVE the cold.. But I'll take it over summer heat. I think 60 degrees is my favorite temperature. Tonight I cooked my own nutella crepes. FABULOUS. Babes says it's second to my cheesecake. More to come...

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Who got da keys to ma bimma?

Who is the proud owner of a new BMW? Me. It's gorgeous. I love it. It does everything and smells good. I miss my old car though. I traded it in and totally forgot to take my CDs out of the player. Yea, not just one.. I had a in-dash 6 disc player. So yea, lost all 6 CDs. In other news, yeeeyyyyy for the 4 day weekend!!!!!
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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Word of the Day is....

Pee Wee. I kind of want to see the Broadway show.. I'm not going to even lie. I don't care of he's a perv. Pee Wee Herman shows were some of the earliest television that I can remember, and I loved it. I can't believe he was outside talking to people while on our way to PopTart World. Oh, P.S. Poptart rice crispy treats are awesome.
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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Gold Teeth

This past weekend was probably the least productive weekend ever. The 2 highlights of the weekend would be 1. Going to California Pizza Kitchen and 2. Buying new shampoo and conditioner. Don't be jealous. Halloween weekend was good though. Went to a party in Levittrash. Babes dressed up like McFly and I had started out as Black Dahlia, half way through the party my face started falling off so I had to change into Snooki.

to be continued...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lazy Sunday.

I'm being a bum today. Yesterday I spent the whole day and night in Manhattan with Jared, Jess and China. I'm not ready to back to work tomorrow. There's so many things I have to do this week. Including having to sit down with the guy at BMW again, I have to pick amy up from JFK on Wednesday, I have to drop Matt off at the train and pick him up all week. I really need a vacation and I don't have any days left until January. Blah. My little sister told me she wrote a paper about me for English. I have to wait until after it's graded to read it. I've always known that I'm an interesting person, but it's good to know other people think the same.. :). Off to watch Jerseylicious!!
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Monday, October 18, 2010


Rumspringa Hobo! My sister Lindsey came back to NY to visit last weekend. We had a blast while she was here. She bought me a pretty awesome watch and a nice heart shaped trinket box from Things Remembered. I met her god daughter Lilly, the cutest baby ever. After meeting Lilly, Matt’s words were “she is the best thing in my life!”.. my mom was hysterically laughing. We also had a fantastic time bar hopping in the Village from 1pm till 2am. Quotes from the night include “RUMSPRINGA!” and “It smells like I drove 70mph over road kill and then shit my pants.” It was definitely one of those days/nights that will be remembered for a very long time.

Oh, and I finally had a crepe from the Creperie. That place has been calling my names for years. I tried a nutella crepe, phenomenal. Lindsey opted for fudge. Creperie, I will be back.

Lastly, Matt’s on a trip with his company at some IT seminar/conference in Arizona. I am jealous. He told he has his own villa right on the golf course. It stinks he has to spend his birthday away though. Stinks even more that he’s turning

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Today I stayed home from work due to some car issues. This is the second time its been in the shop this week. Ugh. I shopped around for BMW's tonight with Berk and also found out what the trade in value of my car is. Perhaps I will be the owner of a BMW soon. Anyways this past weekend was very eventful. Saturday was the fall bar crawl in the Village with my babo, Jared and asian Matt. We started around 1pm. For the first time we made it through all the bars. After 8 hours of that, we met up with Rick and Courtney at San Gennaro for a couple hours. Then we all trucked up to Korea Way aka K-town for noraebang. Noraebang lasted for about 2 hours, so it was one long ass day. Jared and Matt sang their butts off, it was awesome. Took the 2am train, the longest ride of my life. The ride home is always the worst feeling ever. If you're on the LIRR at that time of night you are 1. Not smiling and feeling ill 2. Your breath smells like alcohol 3. You do not know where you are. 4. Or all of the above. I had a lot of laughs throughout the night, so it was well worth it. (Especially when asian Matt asked the tattoo guy if there was discounts for homosexuals). Any who, off to bed.. I have a crazy day ahead of me!
P.s. While we were in K-Town, were were interrupted by a journalist for "The Korea Times" and he is doing an article about noraebang in NYC. He asked me questions and took pics of us, hopefully I can get my hands on a copy from my family in Seoul.
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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Bingo! I Win!

Tonight was girls night out. Bingo night out to be more descriptive. Amy, Allie, Jeanette and myself. So I heard that people get pretty crazy about bingo. For instance people bring all these "lucky charms" and set them up on the table in front of them.  Example: beanie babies, lucky lighters, four leaf clovers and so on. I have never played bingo before. Okay, so it's lame that I've never played, and even more so that I actually wanted to try it out. Well anyways, we went tonight and had a blast. It took us a while to choose what "lucky" items we should bring. The average age was probably 65, but who cares. I swear some of those old timers were hittin' the booze through out the game, I kept smelling whiffs of scotch. Before tonight I thought the game was pretty self explanatory. It took us a while to figure out what hell was going on. Apparently, there are lots of rules in bingo..who knew. Anyways, I ended up winning and walked away with a pretty nice bank roll at the end of the night. Lucky me. Now I have to scrub my arms after the marker battle Amy and I had. (this crap is worse than permanent marker.) Well, I'm off to bed because I have a big day tomorrow. Here's some visuals I will end this entry with.

I win, cause winning is for winners.
hrmm, from my desk collection, I choose...


Hanson love Voss water and bingo.
Jeanette and Allie, B4 - and after.

    Berk's lipgloss is poppin' her lipgloss is cool...

Monday, September 20, 2010

Wine and Robbery.

I finally found the tracking information for the packages I sent to Seoul. Thank goodness, I bought all this clothes from Neiman Marcus, Guess, Lucky Brand and Century 21 for Danny. I almost had a heart attack when I couldn't find the paperwork for the shipping insurance. Hopefully it'll be delivered tomorrow. This weekend flew by really fast. I saw Easy A on Friday, it was cute. Saturday was family day. Last night I saw The Town. I was never a big fan of Ben A.. I have now changed my mind. Tonight I went to dinner with Berk. The restaurant was awesome, we split a couple of appetizers. Thank goodness we opted to sit inside, not more than 10 minutes after we were seated a girl sitting outside had her purse stolen by some guy. He just rode past her on his bike and took it right off the table. Horrible. Oh, I almost forgot. Babo took me to Altantis yesterday. I fed the fish and touched the sting rays. I also took some really great pictures, including the awesome picture above. Well, off the watch Jerseylicious and MONK!!! I love Monk. "It's a jungle out there."
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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hola Madre

I'm here hanging out with my fabulous mom and doing a little update on the blog. The family and I went to Greenlawn today and had a wonderful mexican meal at Dave's Gold Mine. I heart tamales. Afterwards I came to Bethpage and had some cake with the siblings. It's been a fat ass kind of day. Then after that we went to the pet store to look at all the adorable puppies. I can't wait to move so I can get one! Now possibly off to bowling? Ciao!
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Friday, September 17, 2010

Frogmaster Flex

My new pencil sharpener slash desk entertainment.
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Thursday, September 16, 2010


Oh, how I have neglected you. So, my birthday was this past weekend. I am officially getting scared. I have 2 more years to enjoy my 20's..eeek! Any who, I had a really great birthday which is now being extended through this Sunday. I'm exhausted... hopefully I can make updates more of a habit...zzZzzz
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Monday, January 11, 2010

P.S. i love jersey shore

hello 2010

So here we are, another year. A lot has happened since my last update. My trip to seoul and tokyo was awesome. I took tons of pics. I do have to say, tokyo is over rated, but no regrets. Brandon had a blast, I am glad cause I thought he'd be freaked out by the food..but he loved it. Maybe the next post will be all about my trip. Hrmm, what else? I've filled 4 hefty bags up of clothes to donate. I couldn't believe how much crap I had in the closet. This weekend was a jammed packed fun filled weekend. Friday had a nice dinner with the fam and matt. Saturday was girls night dinner and the movies. And sunday was a double date night at 300 with matt rick and courtney. And at work..blahhhh. Will update soon..tahtahhh.
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