Sunday, December 31, 2006

I smell Heaven again.

I can't stop watching the hanging of Saddam on So barbaric. Ugh. Can everyone remember this time last year? I spent last year on Bell Blvd. with one thing in mind, drinking nothing but Irish Carbombs the whole night. I ended up getting pretty sloshed and carried home, vomiting. It was fabulous. This year I'm planning on a little less wild. Tonight we're going to a party, I don't plan on drinking that much this year and babes is sticking to beer the whole night, it should be fun. It beats paying $80.00 to go to Mo's Caribbean Bar in the city. I like the place, but it's not worth that. I just got back from doing some shopping with Chris, hit up Bath & Body, Gap, and Express. Everyone is having crazy sales. Picked up lotion at B & B. Chris bought some shirts at Express. However I looked in the girls side to buy some things, but it was full of crap except the jeans. All it had were these hideous kimono looking shirts and ugly ass turtlenecks..Gross. I picked up something new to wear tonight at the Gap. Any who, I guess this is the last entry until the new year!! Be safe, don't drink and drive. Hold hands while crossing streets!! Take a moment to think of your life, happiness, change, reinvention etc. etc. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! "At 12am, kiss the one you love. If you can't, then kiss a stranger."

My finger loves coban.

So it's a Saturday night and I'm home. Baby is in the city with the upstate folks, Lansman's reunion. Though I have been upstate, I haven't met everyone from there. Mom is flying into JFK at 12:41 am and I have to pick her up. Perhaps if I drop her off in time, I can still make it in to the city afterward. We'll see. All that aside, it's the typical Saturday. Last night was so-so. Played some B.Pong in the living room for a little. Dillon and and his g/f Steph came over. Chris and Greg dressed up. CJ hid in his room the whole night. "CHANGING!!!". Any who I must run.. it's 12:30 am and I must leave for the airport now. Let's see if I can make it there in under 10 mins! Ciao! update: it's damn near 4am. I did make it in 10 mins to JFK. Picked up babe in the city. I will never make another trip to 21st and 6th. UGH. And I will never let him leave the house with his Amex. Anyways, now I'm here eating my Special K w/Strawberries, my favorite cereal. Babes, watching Rocky. Almost bed time. I'm pooped. Okay, I'm being yelled at to come to bed. I'm outtie.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Hit Me With Another.

TGIF. Last night I made a great dinner. It was the first night I wasn't rushing around in over a week. Tonight will be back to rushing. I have PT right after work and sometime in between that and going home I would like to hit up the mall and use some of my gift cards. So, today is the last work day before 2007. Time is going by so fast. Geez, I'll be 30 years old before I know it. Ewww. Anyways, YeY for New Years plans!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

(718) 971-5245

So I watched CNN last night for a little while. They were basically talking about racism in Vidor, TX. The town is close to Jasper where that gay guy was dragged behind a car. All I kept thinking about when they would say certain thing was, Vidor sounds like Plainedge. "Sundown Towns". It's all the same no matter where you go. No matter what state you are in. I don't side with these people. But I have to say, Al Sharpton is a jackass. He's supposed to be a statesman of Black America, that's great and all, but he is a jackass. Let's take ONE of many examples: In 1987, black teenager Tawana Brawley claimed that six white law enforcement officers including then assistant district attorney Steven Pagones, had abducted and raped her, scrawled racial insults on her body and smeared her with feces. Miss Brawley refused to speak with authorities or the media, but Sharpton and her two other advisers were soon making wild claims. Sharpton compared then-state Attorney General Robert Abrams, a Jew, to Adolf Hitler. All three linked then-Gov. Mario Cuomo to organized crime and the Ku Klux Klan. Within a year, a grand jury announced the story was a hoax and specifically cleared a Fishkill police officer and Pagones. Pagones sued Sharpton and the other 2 advisers for more than $150 million for defamation. And people are supposed to listen to this idiot? Did this guy really think he could ever be president? Lord.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Because I'm the Best. Duh.

Another PT session today. Ouch. Dad's leaving tomorrow. That makes me very sad. I wish he would move back here. I received a package at work from Korea today. There are gifts for Matt and me inside. YEY. I really should get my passport, mine is waaaay expired. I'm still so tired. I need a vacation. I think I will use my last week to go to TX and then when I renew, I'll use 2 weeks for Korea. In other news, two members of the Crew are getting married. Alicia is engaged!! Jill just got engaged last summer, we knew she'd be the first. We're getting so old. Who from the Crew will be the first to have a baby? hrmmm. Anyway, I'm chilly. I didn't wear a coat today. I must go. I have work to do.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Hello Kitty Popcorn Tin!

Hope every one's Christmas was fabulous. Mine was good. My dad surprised us. I got some nice things. Matt has added a fabulous piece to my Tiffany collection. It should be here today. I'm excited. His mom gave a bracelet I had my eye on a month ago. Matt loves his Sirius and his Triple Five Soul. Christmas with my family was good too, so many gift cards, a velour outfit, my mom hooked us up with a toaster oven, etc etc. There was so much running around this weekend and yesterday. I'm still so tired (and sick). Today after work PT. Then hopefully Nana's. I'm so sleepy.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Walk Away!

Had PT after work yesterday. Afterwards met babes at the party. We didn't stay long, We recieved a bottle of wine and dingo. Today is going to be crazy, have to cash my pay then hit up the mall and a couple other places. Tomorrow the city. Ugh rush rush rush. anywho. gotta run! ciao!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

You Know Who It Is...

It's Me, Bitches!!! Chillin' in my Beamer!! So finally figured out what we are doing for secret Santa tonight. I am so sleepy today. I wrapped X-mas presents on behalf of Kelly as the highlight of my work day so far. Everything else is one facilitation after another. I hate Hewlett Packard and the out sourced Indian people they have for customer service. I can’t understand a word they say and they have no idea what the hell is going on. I want to hurt them. Badly. Yey for X-mas parties though!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Shutty Yer Face Fatty McButterpants.

Good morning all. Thank you for stopping by. Latest on the OC, don’t hold on to the past. Ryan was holding on even after falling for Taylor he just couldn’t let go, and come to find out Marissa didn’t even want his ass in the first place. Summary, let it go. You cant control fate. Good one. In other news, we have Dave's Christmas party at his new apartment tomorrow night. I don’t know what gifts we should get for the secret Santa. I hope it’s festive!! I will be doing crash shopping this weekend. I won’t be going all out this Christmas, but I will be thoughtful. Wish me luck. Tonight Matt and I are going to the movies to see Rocky. Have to support his love for Mr Stallone. "I guess what I'm trying to say is, if I can change, and you can change, everybody can change." lmao. Ghey.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I'm gonna keep it short today. Chanukah is 1/2 over. Hope all you Jews are getting everything you wanted. Mazaltof!! Mazel Tov!!!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Whoa, Classy.

The pizza stone is awesome. Oh, and if you think you cant take a trip around the world in a weekend, you're wrong cause we did. That's about it, everything else was boring. Matt stayed home from work today and I hate him for it. Christmas is coming too soon, I'm not prepared. I want the Victoria Secret Sexy Santa Hat 2006. Not for Xmas, I just want it. After all, sexy girls need sexy Santa hats. Dear Santa, I've been really good this year. Can you hook me up with lots of dingo? Enough to cover everything. I would like an elegant wedding, cause I have class. So I'll need extra dingo to cover that too. We've been wanting and planning this since day one, so can you put a rush on it? Right now, I'm sure we'd be able cover a low budget, white trash, skeezzzzy wedding in some cheesy hall. But EwWww, who would want that? Not us! Thank you so very much.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Super Gay.

TGIF. I start PT tomorrow. His name is Kosta, with a "K". Not to be mistaken for Costa, with a "C". One a Dr. of sorts, the other a drug addict who used to live downstairs and slept with prostitutes. Some peoples lives are just "awesome". What are my plans for this weekend? Who knows. Hopefully something fabulous. I need a break from some of the freaks I encounter everyday.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Ugly Betty!! Why do I have to wait till Jan. 4th?? With out notice to take a month off and leave me hanging for a new episode. Bullshit I tell you. However, I did find out who is playing the lady behind the mask, Rebecca Romijn. I Feye the supposed dead lady was thought to be the lady behind the mask, it cant be. Feye is in her late 50's maybe early 60's. Mask lady cant be Feye after all. We will have to see. Today is Athina's 24th birthday!! YeY!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Yo Frankieee!!

Stitches are gross. I can’t get this surgical pen ink off. I can’t bend my finger and I can’t make it straight, it's stuck in the middle. I have to tape my fingers together, I have to go to physical therapy... ugh. A mess. Anyways the only thing I have to look forward to for tonight is a date with babe. Me, my babe and my retarded hand at a nice Italian place.. fabulous. Today is so dark, wet and gloomy. This weather makes me so sleepy. Do I hear an early bedtime calling? I think so.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Girl Twirl 3000, say what?

I'm excited that this friggin cast is coming off tomorrow morning. I need to know what kind of disaster my finger looks like. I've been cutting lines in it with a razor blade and breaking pieces off, Dr. Montero is totally going to yell at me. It beats chipping nail polish off when I'm bored or aggravated, which is what I used to do before this lovely cast. In other news I'm also excited for tonight. Matt and Dave decided to do a double date thing at an Italian restaurant in Brooklyn. Hopefully we get home in time so I can finish one more load of laundry. I still have to watch last Thursdays OC before the box deletes it.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Bleep! Bleep!

Babes came to my work again to hang with me ♥. After work I went to check out my moms new place. She gave me a couple of Pampered Chef things she never uses. Came home, Matt suprised me with matching Nextels. Besides looking like a drug dealer with 2 phones, it's cool that we can bleep each other all day. Anyways, I have like 4 loads of laundry to do. I'm gonna be up all night. Oh P.s. Haley was fabulous. Bleep!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

I'll Cracker Yer Nut!

I just got back from buying the most fabulous sweater ever. Matt and Robbie are watching football, the games almost over. So the x-mas party went well. The guys were animals, my 50 sugar cookies were gone within 30 minutes. Everyone helped out with the tree, it came out nice. Lot of beers were drank, Pictionary-um, and Wiii. They ended the night with Crave Cases.. DISGUSTING. What ever floats yer boat is guess. Any who I must get ready to see the Nut Cracker, we have to leave soon..and I still need to pick up flowers. CIAO!!

Saturday, December 9, 2006

Brussel Sprouts ♥

After work I went to my Moms house and watched a movie with my brother, then came home. We went to Bell for a little, had a drink for Cara's birthday. I'm really excited about tomorrow..Matt says he has the whole day planned out but wont tell me what we are doing. I know it involves the city, he said it has nothing to do with seeing the tree. hmmmm. Tomorrow night should be fun, we are getting a tree, decorating it then having people over for a Christmas party.

Friday, December 8, 2006

Baby, It's Cold Outside.

Don't leave your house without chap stick or lip'll thank me for it later. Anyways, I made some kick ass Lasagna for dinner last night. Then I poisoned Matt. Totally on purpose may I add. I kicked ass playing the Wii, bowled a 205. If only I could do that in real life. So totally off topic, I need a new hair style. Maybe this weekend I'll do something with it, LIKE CHOP IT OFF! Okay, well..I'm out. Stay warm.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Poker Shhmoker

Last night was stinky. Tonight however Ugly Betty. YaY. Winter time, this is the season I will be making a trip to Korea. Exciting. I'm ready to explore another country. I'm ready to take some time off work. I totally deserve it. Hopefully Matt will be able to make it. Besides, I'm going to need a translator for when I go out..I don't know Korean but Matt understands it all, which seems completely ass backwards but it's incredibly awesome. I'm bored at work. I've been playing ball with Chiko for about 30 mins. If your bored, feed Chicko, she gets tired of flying around, or throw her the ball. Bye Bye. EDIT: NO UGLY BETTY!!! IT'S A FRIGGIN REPEAT!!!

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Winter Wonderland.

So according to the widget, it's supposed to snow on friday. Could this be correct? Winter has always been my favorite season. However, the older I get the more the cold bothers me. I love the thought of all the things that happen in the winter though. Maybe this weekend we'll go to Rockfeller Center. The Nutcracker is on Sunday. This will be the 9th year in a row Haley will be in it. My little dancing Super Star. My Little Sister. I wish it was Thursday.. I really wanna watch Ugly Betty. I guess it's back to work. Ciao. Update: Matt just came to my job. We went out for lunch. He just made my day a little brighter.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

It's about that time.

Every couple years I change my journal out of boredom. LJ, then GJ, now my Gmail account has convinced me to come to Blogger. I'm easy like that. What do you want from me? Any who, this weekend was eventful. Yet another travel adventure with my babe. This time we went to D.C. We stayed at the Sheraton, it was nice. We learned a lot of things like the White House is smaller than thought, you cant sit on Lincoln's lap, babes new found taste of provolone, and the bum didn't shit on the sidewalk. In other news Dr. Montero says my finger is healing nicely. The even nicer news my permanent screws didn't set of the metal detector at the National Aquarium. Could this mean my life won't be full of embarrassing security checks at the airport?? I hope so.