Friday, December 5, 2008

Is it that time of the year?

Thanksgiving was good this year, I didnt leave the house was a much better feeling not rolling out of the house. Christmas is coming up soon. I put the tree up, it is gorgeous. We have some new additions to our family.. reese, sir issac, sly junior and TBD. I did some of my xmas shopping. Of course Matt had to start shaking some of his things under the tree like a little kid trying to guess what things were. I should have known better than to put them under the tree so soon. I finally caved after his relentlase guessing games and let him open the Wii. (since we regretfully sold ours last year, plus i kinda wanted to play it). So christmas day is not going to be AS exciting for him since he opened the main present. We picked up rock band world tour yesterday..I rock at singing. The christmas party is on the 16th, hopefully it is fun. Hoprfully there will be another xmas bonus at work and a fabulous gift basket.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


So, history was made. Obama will be the next president. Hopefully things will change for the better, I have faith that they will. Voting is so important and I'm happy that Matt voted for the first time in his life. If you don't/didnt vote you have no right to complain about how this country is ran.
I do have to admitt McCain's speech last night was great. He showed himself to be a stand up guy, unlike his suporters (the booing). Let's face the facts, who voted for him?
1. Rich white people (business owners) 2. White Trash why would we expect anything different?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election 08'

It's finally time. Do the RIGHT thing.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I got Seoul.

I would like to take another trip to Seoul to see my momz, perhaps this weekend. I want to travel soooon! NY is boring me. :(

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Forks

Okay so Pops supposed to be getting out of the hospital on the 30th, hes been there for over a month. I can't imagine what it's been like. I'm sure he's excited.
In other news, I had a pretty bad birthday..but I won't get into that. At least it ended with a nice fillet mignon dinner and a winning $2.00 scratch off.
I also started reading the Twilight series, thanks to the people at work for the gift certificate to the book store. I finished Twilight and New Moon already. I am going to start Eclipse tonight..then after, Breaking Dawn. The books are 500-600 pages each, but I've been flying through(probably because they are meant for young adults "young adults".). I'm not one to be into vampires at all, I'm not one of those weirdos...but the books are great. We'll have to see if the movie for the first book of the series Twilight is anything like it, I believe it comes out in November.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

So yes, today is my birthday. Another year older..uuugh. People say, "Isn't it funny how when you're young, the only thing you want is to be older. Now that you're older and now all you want is to be young again." We'll for one, when I was younger I never wanted to be older. Oh the denial of getting older..26 is such a crap age. At least when you're 25 you have the option of rounding down to 20. With 26, you can only round up..up to the dreadful age of 30.sigh. I have some time before that time comes so I won't think too much about it. As for my birthday plans, I don't really have that much going on for it. Babes scored Yankees tickets for tonight. I'd prefer not to go, but I don't want him NOT to go so I convinced him to go with out cousin Brandon is going in my place. I've been so tired going back and forth to the hospital that spending time relaxing at home sounds like nothing could be more fabulous. Besides, it's raining out right now. Tomorrow would be a better day/night to do's SATURDAY!!! In other news, how do I feel about Lindsey Lohan texting my boyfriend? I'M PISSED..BACK OFF MY MAN. Kidding. Kidding. I think it's pretty fucking awesome if you ask me...and I hope it continues. The day is almost over.. thank goodness. I'm ready to get outta here. Hopefully it's a nice cool day out tomorrow. I hear Sunday is supposed to be brutal. I hope not, I believe we have plans to go to the renaissance fair again. We'll see.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Welcome Sabine Anabel Concepcion

Finally! My cousin Jenn had the baby!.. and with no pain medication may I add. I don't know how such a tiny person could do that, I think she's like 90 pound dancer..BRAVO JENN!

Congrats to the Bontempi's and the Concepcion's. and a special thanks to Sabine for coming today and not tomorrow, so I don't have to share my birthday. :)

In other news, though Matt may not enjoy doing certain things at his work.. there are many people that would. Knowing celebs personal info and going to Chris Rock's house twice an on his way to 3 times and doing things like meeting up with Lindsay Lohan on TV sets. Tell Lilo I said WAAAT UUP! :)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Silly Poppy

On another note, Poppy is 87 years old and went through a valve replacement last week. It was very scary. He came through it alright, a lot of pain..but we have to take it one day at a time. I've been to the hospital every day for the past 8 days. Paying for parking has been do they do this to people? Any who, He's been cracking jokes left and right, such a trooper. He's the worlds greatest grandfather. Stinks that he can't do his gardening for 8 weeks. I've watered for him a couple times cause I know he'd be upset to go home to a dead garden after all his hard work. He's supposed to be going to FL in November. We will see how everything's going by that time. I know he's itching to take another trip to the Dominican Republic.. he said unfortunately he won't be able to wear his bikini anymore since he has a scar on his chest. I told him that it shouldn't be a problem, I hear scars are "in" now a days. (silly man.)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Double Bonus Jonas

So little sister Haley had the best day of her life a few weeks ago. Joel is no longer the tour manager for OAR or The Fray.. now its the Jonas Brothers. So of course Haley was hooked up with all access. she hung out with them and their family. Haley freaked when Avril Levine said she dug her bracelet b/c she was rockin the same one. After hanging out with them a couple hours before the concert, wiffle ball, food etc.. she watched from the side of the stage. I was really happy she had a lot of fun. Brandon has yet to upload all her pics. I believe Joels hooking her up again early Sept. If only Joel could manage a band that I liked... :) Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Holy Fast Forward.

This has to be the longest blog break ever. So much has happened since the last time I wrote. I finally went to Korea, it was awesome. Traveling is amazing. No more Bayside! it's so nice to live in peace and quite and not feel like im living in a frat house where beer pong is played in the loving room and theres a kegorater in the dining room. Now residing in Massapequa Shores, it's nice to back. The beach is down the block and everything we need is close. I found out I'm going to be an aunt 2 days ago...weird. We'll see, i'm still kind of thrown back from the news. I had a wisdom pulled last week, 2 more to go. oh, i can't wait. i guess im too much of a wimp to get them all done the same i do one by one whoch really just stresses the pain out longer, but whatever. I'm watching PBS about mexican gangs..3 words.. dirty fucking losers.