Monday, June 30, 2003


tummy right now im at sharons.. just got off werk and went straight to the bank to deposit, they pissed me off soooo bad, i yelled.. loud.. not like a screeching yelling...more like.. your a fucking idiot yell. everything was cleared up an hour later...and guess what? I WAS RIGHT. im not gonna explain. ummm.. sharon and i and sandy and clair are going to roosevely field b4 sandy and clair go back to south starving damnitt. im tired too.last night we went to boulder creek. mmmm. mashed potatoes..need i say more? outside has made me feel gross. i think im gonna get new sunglasses..cause i wanna. what else... oh IM MAD AT MATT, well not mad..thats not the werd.. but its somewhere in that catagory. and i havent seen alloe since last year. dot. im leaving now. peace out.

Friday, June 27, 2003

I Hate Cats

i hate cats they are aweful... today me and sharon are going to do something we were supossed to do yesterday but..umm..plans changed, and its happening today.. then later on we are going somewhere ... not gonna say.. cause i dont feel like telling you. umm what in the middle of doing sucks... once again i hate cats. one day i will drowned them all .. kinda like this girl ingrids grandma did back in the 8th grade, but thats really sick right? riiiight. uh uh uh uh.. yeh... i was gonna hit up this party last night with chris, but decided not to..well because it was at some chicks house that i didnt kno.. and 99% of the time when stuff like that happens.. i always get dirty looks cause im chriss friend... and im a girl... and the assume something is going on btw us.. when in reality.. thats just sick.. come on now. me and sha ran into some kid thats a child molestor from back in the day... it was fun. sharon yelled and scream and said he should be really fuckin happy that she didnt have her knife... i guess that was kinda good for all of us..cause we all kno what happened last time. cough cough* ohhhh the violence. SCORE! ;o/! any who im gonna go. peace out.

Monday, June 23, 2003

Matt's House

dont kno whats goin on tonight. right now im in queens at matts, i dont kno, either hittin up chris's or amys, i have werk mad early tomorrow.... booooooooo!!! lauras not gonna have a party this year...she doesnt feel like babysitting a whole bunch of jews. i dont blame her i suppose. but whatever.. werk sucked so bad today i wanted to go home like an hour after i got there...yuck. umm... i dont kno, i just got off the phone with amy and chris, so if i go and do something tonight.. i gotta do it soon, i wanna be home by um..1:30..ish. slut sharon is sleeping.. and how allie is sick. i kno this. ok.. bye

Sunday, June 22, 2003

Best Song.

I'm practicing the lines I want to say to you I'm just trying to find the courage to I'll try to make it right this time around. And set things right between us. Is that how you want to go down? So lets go down. So I can breathe you in. I never really wanted to argue. It's always about the stupid shit you put me through But when I close my eyes I think of you It's like your a part of me ----- This one is good and suits my current situation: If I listened long enough to you, I'd find a way to believe that it's all true. Knowing that you lied, straight-faced, while I cried, Still I'd look to find a reason to believe. Someone like you makes it hard to live without somebody else. Someone like you makes it easy to give, never think of myself. If I gave you time to change my mind, I'd find a way to leave the past behind. Knowing that you lied, straight-faced, while I cried, Still I'd look to find a reason to believe. Someone like you makes it hard to live without somebody else. Someone like you makes it easy to give, never think of myself. Someone like you makes it hard to think about somebody else.... If I listened long enough to you, I'd find a way to believe that it's all true. I'd find a reason, a reason to believe. (oh no) And though I want you, you're just not what I need...... Someone like you makes it hard to live without somebody else. Someone like you makes it easy to give, never think of myself. Someone like you makes it hard to live without somebody else. Someone like you, like you...... I'd find a reason to believe....... I would find a reason to believe.

Friday, June 20, 2003

Leave me alone. Stalker.

this computer is so fucking gay, i just wrote a whole bunch of shit IN DETAIL and LOST THE WHOLE MOTHER FUCKIN SHIT. and now im mad. ill some it up, wrote about a really fucked up convo i had with chris about how he has no friends and all of a sudden wants to chill tonight cause he doesnt want cara to see hes a loser. how im agrrevated with 2 other people.wrote a whoole shit load about one of them might be aggrevated at me.. and wrote about why i cant take it when its like this.... cause who am i to this person and who are they to me anyways? i wrote about how fuckin hillarious sharons father is. alll thissssss stufff.. and its GONE. anyways me and sharon are going out. were are dolled up, but im not saying where were going, cause well.. the stalkers.. u kno. YOU. annnnd i love allie. i dont kno where she is. and i love YOU. but not u. Current Mood: anxious Current Music: WhoDaBoiWitDaIttyBittyRimz?FukIdontCare,CauseIdontEvenSeeEm'

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Youz A Jew

hi. im at sharons wha wha. last night crazy car accident we watched it all...literally 10 feet away.. watched the guy get put into a body bag. i dont wanna talk about it. b4 that i went out to queens. the day was blah-jah. gotta go...i love you. yes YOU. SHARON: " i have a boiz body, thats why i have implants" OMG i really have to go now.

Sunday, June 15, 2003

Begged Me Not To

hi hi hi hi hi begged me not to do, what i knew i had to do, cause im so in love with you. Current Mood: busy Current Music: i care.

Friday, June 13, 2003

uh-oh Here We Go.

yea so right now im like waiting for my check...gotta go to sharons so we can do some stuff..girly stuff..and then the oil change..and then some other stuff... amy got the whole first season of 24 on dvd...we watch 12am-5am last night...tonight we will watch 6am-god knows...well be there is alright. well a little less than alright...but we always move on right? riiiight. yup yup. any who been seein people that i havent seen in a while. its nice. i like it. its so nice to have the day off. hella tired though.. didnt get home till around up atlike 12...gotta get shit done. anyways. i love my friends. and i love you!

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Pharoh Monche

yea so right now im at athinas house, cause shes cool and greek and stuff...and other than the fact that shes one of my best friends.. yea.. not gonna be online for a while.. cause well i have my like if people wanna chill they can call the celly... and yea... if not then..nice ta kno yah! we'll see where my love is at. peace and love. im out.

Monday, June 9, 2003


chris wasnt interested in meeting up with guys so he bounced..picked up my car at his hizouse. the 2 cds i burned there kick asparagus. met up with matt and the other kid..cant remember his name, but it doesnt matter... weird shit, , got amys # from athina.. whole weirdo situation..they wanted to go to her apartment..weirdo situation, wanted to go to the house in bethpage, wanted to chill some more..we bounced. too weird. dropped sharon and allie off at papiland and amy too..went home. here i am. cause im cool. so cool. and lets see what else. not looking forward to tomorrow. i cant seem to find my cell. its 1 in the bathroom. 2 in the car. or 3..somewhere in btw the bathroom ad the car. SCORE! ight im ou..sleep time cause its 507. and thats not cool. unless well..nevermind. shhh. who got molested today? i did! i did! shhhh. ONE!

Saturday, June 7, 2003


i get a phone call from matt. him and dave were stuck in the area. picked them up. dropped his friend dave off, went to matts fell asleep....sped home a little after 7am just in time to take a 5 min shower and bounce to werk. the day was long. came home, my punkass brother was being a little dick for the first time since ive been home. got in my pj's took a 3 hour nap. woke up a little while ago. have 6 missed call..not calling back. i love them all the moment im not goin anywhere. i think i will go back to bed and not wake up till tomorrow. ive only stayed home 2 nights since ive been back in ny. i think tonight will def be the 3rd. not off till wends. so hopefully tuesday night theres some fun goin on, just sucks that im werking till 10pm tues night. eh whatever. the mtv music video awards is on, and i missed it thursday, soo im goin to lay down and watch it by my lonesome. alright im out. i love you.

Friday, June 6, 2003


decided to go to queens. left and picked up allie..headed off to watch matt and his friend dave rearrage dave's room. chilled for a was like after 330 when we left...on the way home we stopped cause allie needed food, and i need gas and stoggies.. got gas skipped the stoggies...$7.90. BEFORE TAX. u haaave to be shitting me.anyways, dropped allie off and finally made it home. got ready for bed all over again. got a text asking if i got home okay. yea i wish all my friends cared like that. home early cause i didnt want to be at werk...i have to go to pep boiz now. alllll by myself! its so prettttty out. ok.. tahhhh

Thursday, June 5, 2003

Sarcasm is Angers Ugly Cousin

okay so yesterday woke up to chris calling me to pick him up in deer park. went out there picked him up, got breakfast, went back to his house and chilled for a long while, watched a movie, went to pep boiz and got shit for our cars. did some other stuff. back to his house, went and dropped him off at his car..sounds good, not as boomy as i thought it would be, but aint my car. went back to pep boiz, supossed to meet back up wih him at his house bu decided to hit up plainjew instead...hey i called him and let him its not fucked up. anyways went to sharons and left mey car there cause mark had to take my new headlights out, cause they SUCK. hes gonna get me good ones. so i gotta return the ones i got. anyways, we headed off to designer image where im gonna get my tints done soon. im so happy mikes gonna give me a deal...thanks to sharon..for doing skanky things for it..TOTALLY KIDDING. anyways we got lost in queen really like more than an hour 1/2. we passed 3 area codes according to the restuarnt signs. and we were on francis lewis for a while...and still lost.. GO FIGURE! anyways. thats all we did..left around 8 and didnt get home till around i dont even kno..after 12 maybe 1? well anyways "he's so cute, i will one day marry him, and we will do lots of baby making, oka not lots of baby making, but do the things people do to make babies ;o)". tah tah!

Wednesday, June 4, 2003

Fuckin Queens

okay so tonight i went to the movies and saw anger managment..finally. its been out for how long right? it was fun. there was no one around after the movie cept some hot guy from montreal. anywho i have to be up mad early tomrrow to go somewhere with chis. hes taking his car to lavi. i kno im gonna be soooo tired, i should crash at his house afterwards and then make him wash my car. oh..ready for story time kids? once upon a time there was a person who couldnt stay away from this other person, even though this person was truley not a nice person to them..only when they wanted to be were they nice,to have what they wanted, but they stay around just because of the infactuation that they have, no matter who it hurt...including themselves? and for what? the history? yeh right. ill just throw ya away when i feel like it, then when im lonley...youll always be there, s ill just keep doin what i do, casue yer weak! ROCKSTAR!!!!!!!! Im on the fuckin floor laughing at you. HAHAHAHAHA! omg. move on. peeeeeeeace out! allie babwa...feelin it?

Tuesday, June 3, 2003


okay so last night i wrote in my journal somthing about wanting to talk about something but i wasnt goin to. Then just a little while ago I talked to sharon, she called me shady for it. go figure. The girl like never writes entries.just posts quizes and shady? Anyways.. she put me on block cause supossedly i made her mad..riiiight. i didnt do anything. and as much as i love the chick. im not gonna stress over something i didnt do. which is prolly gonna piss her off more. NOT THAT I DONT CARE. BUT ITS NOT WORTH THE DRAMA. anyways for about a month now ive been wanting to get fucked up, why? i have no fuckn idea why..i dont kno. So the other night i drank. THOUGHT it would do it..drinking didnt hit the spot. WHATS WRONG WITH ME? HELP!

Monday, June 2, 2003

I'll Own it Tomorrow

okay so yesterday i didnt do anything till about 4 when i decided to take a shower. Laura had no one to go to the Elliot show with her, I decided to go, never heard of elliot before. So we went off to the downtown. I havent been to a show there, there wasnt any shows held there b4 i left for WA. Anywho It was really weird. Here I am excpecting to see all these bands i didnt kno, cause one, i never heard of Elliot, and Laura had told me that they were a really different band, so i expected all the other bands to be ones ive never heard. So opening band, the prizefighter...I knew them, graduated with rob. then the second band ..tripside. Used to chill with george and make ryan sing dmb in his basement. 3rd and forth band i didnt kno. but 1/2 is cool right!? Saw some people didnt expect to see..JT, Mike C, and Dan B...weiiiird. anyways.. the show was actually pretty fuckin awesome. After that we went to the diner. We departed,i had a lot of fun. chris called and wanted to do something.. it late sunday night, what is there? I just went home. and here i am. werking late tonight. early tomorrow, but at least im off the next day. anyways, tonight wont be exciting mostly likely.. but maybe tuesday night. laterz

Sunday, June 1, 2003

What's Ho'ing on?

okay so tonight i went out face all mary kay'd out, rockin pjs. went to charles ave. saw some of the bellmore boiz and laura. chris had gone home early cause hes a buttfuck old man. did the norm. cept tonight we were getting a lot more attention than usual, which is good...every once in a while. sucks that its raining so fuckin much. I need to do laundry tomorrow, and mike is goin to paint my room for me, sweeeeet. finally. i wanna be on the real world. ahhhhhhhhh. i dont wanna write anymore. molestation!! wha wha. ONE.