Monday, May 26, 2003

90 proof

and so tonight, werked till 8:30pm, went home changed, chris is home. yey. we were gonna hang out but didnt. went to plainjew picked up sharon, ran into allie and lindsey, hung out, flipped out at lindsey about john, i feel bad now, but it was all built up,i upset her. i feel soo bad. i love my sister, but john..fuckin peice of shit scum bag, bum, motherfuckin cocker sucker..peice of shit (again), child lover. dirty..dirty d d dirty. ugh. anyways. supossed to go to a wake tomorrow during the day and then go to tall chris's when darkness falls. my nose has been itchy all day. I should really call jerel.. he prolly thinks i dont care, i havent talked to him in like almost 3 weeks, and i kno its because for the last week i talked to him..i was a total asshole. i feel bad. like seriously. I kno ive hurt him. i was so cold about it all. i dunno. i didnt kno how else to be, i just wanted it to be over, and wasnt thinking about his feelings. i am...i admit it...i am a bitch for how ive been. enough about that. i should really get to really excited about my floor next week. and i get to pick up brandons tv. hopefully i get my dell sent to me soon from tx, i have my cable modem staring at me and havent hooked it up cause i want MYYY comp. i hope everything starts coming together damnit. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH yessssssssssssssss! i think one of the dogs is eating my sisters cats!!!!! i hope so. those fuckers shouldnt be downstairs anyways. i swear if i see one of them come downstairs one more time.. im gonna throw my shoes at it. FUCKERS. I hate them all. damn things are gonna kill me one day. BELLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! gotta go. one!