Saturday, May 31, 2003

No Need to Shit Yer Pants

yea so tonight i got off werk at 10pm, came home changed, met sharon at the bethpage house PAPILAND, dropped off my car, picked up chris stopped at charles ave BREIFLY and saw laura, she wasnt werking but suuuure was drunk, went to some chicks house in seaford, got tippsy, okay so i was a little drunk A LITTLE, SHUT UP SHARON U FUCK! sharon dropped chris off, had to pee really bad, stopped at d&d, no one was in the place excpet the guy werking, he asked me if i could pee with the door open, what the fuck is that? weirdo. refused to give him my #, he wants to go out with me allie and sharon..clubbing..riiiiight. and we met5 up with allie where i proceeded to want to pass the fuck out in the back seat but there were too manny homosexuals..well not real ones, but u kno what i mean.. around the car..yes with club hair...which is so out. so out out out out out out. and well yes, i am off tomorrow, and yes i am off the next day..whoop whoop.. i got the weekend. its da freakin weekind baby bout tah have me some fun. my belly hurts. its on fire. oh i love bella. and i love my friends. and i love you. okay so right now im in plainjew at sharons house, why u ask? cause she fuckin takes to long too get ready.. and she tells me i take forever? yeh right mothafucka, shes prancing around her room in her fuggin bathrobe, arent u jealous. anyways, i dunno what the deal is, i kno tonight is beer pong night at charles ave, the boys will be there, and laura is werking, but kathy the owner had some issues last night about underagers..which i have no idea why, i heard she wasnt busted or anything, perhaps she was just on crack or something, who knos, laura shaid she had no idea what was up with her last night, but she was totally on our side about the situation. anyways, i dunno if allie is hanging out or not, she been kida distant lately, yes allie i kno yer gonna read the LJ, what up wit ya chica? everything okay? we miss you! anywho, i found out lliz and athina are alive, thats good i suppose. liz and nicole are goin to cancun in like a week, woo lucky them. JT quit sprout, what the hell is that? maybe he did it cause he wants to go on tour with asob, hmm sprout or asob? hmmmm. okay im gonna stop that right now b4 i get into trouble. but at the moment i dont give a fuck. i just wanna go out already. i have the urge to see a movie, not tonight though..more like tomorrow.i havent gone in sucha longtime. what to do what to do. Sharin excepted a collect call from someone like 50 hours ago and she still on the phone. lordy child, lordy. anyways im gonna go. ONE!