Sunday, May 25, 2003


oooh. okay so tonight after werk i picked up Sharon and we went to Charles ave, all the bellmore boiz cept Brendan were there, i haven't seen them in forever, introduced them to Sharon.. she needed to meet them. had some laughs...mostly with tall chris and oh J J J Jeremy I missed them, didn't realize how much. went to bagel boss at the end of the night. anyways i have werk mad early tomorrow. its 4am i have to be up at 8. So like Monday hopefully goes down. I think Allie died. wheres the fun? too bad..... I KNOW!!!!! okay. gnite. Sharon has a budding crush on my's okay, I'm not sweatin it, were committed. shes just trying to be a home wrecker. p.s. o-m-g too bad I'm not a slut. I feel life starting to get good.