Monday, May 12, 2003

Oh My Gawd.

okay so its like really early in the morning or someone who doesnt have werk today. I just got wonderful wake up call!!! Last night Allie and I tried to find a 711 that had a functioning slurpee machine, finally found one all the way in huntington. After that we chilled at Charles Ave, Laura was werking. We played pool for a little bit. Purple's brother James likes to molest my cousin and has this obsession with licking my face like a dog. Laura and I declared that next Sunday is pajama day, so we'll be at charles ave in pj's. oh my gawd im tired. I was thiking last night, I'm like slowly losing friends. and then i was like...i dont care. Tonight I am going out to have hella fun with Allie and Sharon, dont know what the exact plans are, but come on its me, allie, and sharon....and that always spells fun. It looks like today's gonna be nicer than it was yesterday, thank goodnezz. ok..i def need to rest my eyes a little more. toodles.