Saturday, May 17, 2003

We are All Made of Stars

okay, so today I woke up and went to werk to get my check, ran to the bethpage credit union, got my nails done, then SOMETHING ELSE, and then i went to allie's house, then later allie, sharon, amy and I went to the mall and then burger king then walgreens. Then we went back to amy's apartment, looked at some old skewl fuggin pics, i miss those days!!! Amys stayed home and the rest of us went back to plainjew. Rolled..literally took my foot off the gas and put my hazards on and rolled to D&D from a little after Fairway on manetto hill to D&D on old country. Blair called when we got there, so she came out from great neck and chilled. Tonight was fun. I swear we all have welts on our as and hands from slappin twizzlers really hard at each other, stings like a bitch...we did it for like an hour. and then later on in 711 sharon punch me in the stomach for kicking her ass, so i punched her in her boob so hard...I guess i deserved the punch after i threw water all over her in the was pretty funny, water was all over my ceiling and on my back windows..and it was dripping off her face. oh man so many funny things tonight i cant even remember..i dont kno when the last time i laughed so much..i realllllllly needed t laugh like that. I love my cuz and I love my friends. Screw mean people. I'm done with them. Goodbye