Sunday, December 9, 2007

Holy Hatton

Wowwies. It's been a while.. So a lot of things have gone on since my last post. My brother is now in Bayside, I'm being healther, Babes is 2 steps away from being in the NYPD, I took my vaction, Cheryl is having her baby with in the next week, For Halloween I was Wednesday Adams, Work, Work and more Work, Dad wants to start a family buisness, Thanksgiving was okay, I have another fishy, a beta...he doesn't have a name yet. I'm missing a lot but whatever.. Christmas is around the corner. Today was the first day I started shopping. I must say, I put a dent in my X-mas list I made for everyone. Tomorrow I will do some more shopping. I have Carol for secret santa at work...I'm glad. I need to get the tree from Dee next weekend. I really want a maltipoo of maltese for x-mas, but that's not going to happen while were here...I guess I'll have to wait till next year. Tonight was Haley's dance, "Nutcracker." Afterwards we went to Chris's new Co-Op and watched the Mayweather / Hatten fight. I was praying for Hatton to wil so badly. I'm still trying to get over it.... I'll update soon.. tooo tired right now.. its almost 4:330am and I don't even know what I'm typing at the moment.... LAterz

Thursday, September 27, 2007


So, a lot has happened since last post..we went to the state fair. Fun as always. The guy who checked us in was one of those crazy guys from a scary movie. I will write more about the trip later. I never mention I got a Tom Tom! I love it, now i will never get lost on road trips. Hrmmm. what else.. my birthday. It was alright. Babes gift to me was pretty. and The cake I got was awesome. We set off firecrackers and got in trouble. Hrmmm what else. I cant think right now cause UGLY BETTY STARTS TONIGHT!! So laters!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

How do you say..umm..Chocolate Face.

Whoa, I'm updating 2 times in one month. I uploaded a small amount of pics, here's one from the renaissance festival from a few weeks back that humored me for a good 10 seconds

My cousin Jen's wedding was great, the place she had it was nice. She looked really pretty. Everyone found out Erin's having another baby that day too. Anyways, it was a hectic day. The weekend after that we went to beach bash in the Hamptons which was fun. It was freezing at night. Here's the view we had all weekend from our tent...
There was about 40 people that came this year. Awards were given out again. I am the Bags Champion. I'm cool. It was a good weekend, except the part when I fell down the stairs and hurt myself pretty good. Anyways, last weekend we went to Philly again. Allie came with us, it was fun. We went to Independence Hall, yeaaaa National Treasure what up. We also went to Eastern State Penitentiary which was really awesome. We saw where Al Capone was, and holes where escapes happened. It was had the same feeling as when we broke in to Kings Park abandoned Psych Ward. Eastern State is supposed to be haunted, it's been on T.V. a bunch of times for being haunted and on the History channel. During Halloween they open it at night, I guess like a haunted house, it's ranked top 10 scariest in the U.S. so Allie and I are going back. We love that kind of stuff.
This weekend we are going upstate to Syracuse. It should be fun. I still have to post all my pics from the past 2 weekends, I'll do that least I posted the wedding. They were having American Idol try outs in Philly.. a bunch of those idiots were staying at our hotel, people from all over..mostly white trash. Actually all white trash. Anywho, I'm sure we'll see a lot more of that this weekend. I'm is killing I'm out.

P.S. Your womb is a sewer.. Your womb is manure..

Sunday, August 5, 2007

oh, Hello

So its been a very long time. I've been busy and I guess a lot has happened since my last post. Another trip to the Zoo, the 4th of July party, my SK3 getting stolen, 2 of my younger siblings getting their first apartment and my mom moving back to the Bethpage house, the loaner car situation, the dart tournament at the hubs bungalow upstate, going to Ripley's Believe it or Not, the crazy ass rain we had wen everything was flooded and I used my car as a boat..took me 3 hours to get to the office and the whole place had 4 inches of water, Witnessed some kid having a b-day party at the Palisades Mall food court. So Sad. There's probably a lot more but I can't think right now. I've slacked on uploading my pics, but I'll do it all at once sometime in the near future. We saw Transformer's 2 days ago, it was better than I thought it was going to be. Today we went to the Renaissance Festival upstate, I saw a girl my age that had a 5 o'clock shadow, scary. Did I mention that I hate the summer? It was too hot today. Love tan skin and all, but being hot and sweaty ...makes me cranky. When we were upstate last weekend, we were outside all day long too..the tan line I got from that day is ridiculous.a perfect line going across my chest. Any who, next weekend is my cousins wedding, then the weekend after is the annual Beach Bash in the Hampton's where we set up tents on the beach and camp out the whole weekend. Our Eddie Bauer is the biggest tent ever. Then we have the State Fair in Syracuse, then Amy's birthday, then of Matt's friends wedding. Then the week after that is my 25th birthday. 25!! Ewwww! August and September are extremely busy months. I'm sure I missed a few things...anyways, I'm tired. Later.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

80 Pitches.

Saturday babes and I went to the Museum of Natural History to see the new Mystical Creatures Exhibit. It was not what we thought, but the trip was fun as always. It was so hot and muggy out on Saturday, even wearing a dress didn't help. After that we past the water fountain, the kid that was running though it was hysterical...

I took so many pics that day. Today I went back and did some shopping, the littlest sister's b-day is coming up on the 6th. I bought some things for myself as well. Oh, and the book Matt's been wanting for the past couple months. It was raining so bad, construction screwed up the subway stops so I got off at 14th and decided to cab it instead of transferring or taking the shuttle bus, the smells that come from public transportation at summer time in Manhattan are unbearable!! vomit. Now I am home and about to hop in the shower. I'm so not ready for work tomorrow. I didn't get to do some of the things I needed to do this laundry. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Well, Hi There!

Hello to all my fans. So it's been a while. There's too much that has gone on to fill in the whole gap..but I will try. Atlantic City was okay, figured out black jack and babes won some dingos. The new job is going alright, it's a lot more work than I ever expected..the days are long and I never seem to be rested enough. Doing everything from normal everyday work paperwork, orders, clients, problem solving and spread sheets...and juggling projects in between, like trying to figure out planning a catered lunch for 150 people (which turned out great) and trying to file a lawsuit and gather all the information so we can sue some guy. It's like I should have personal assistant attached to my job descripton as well. Thank God for my to-go crappy Starbucks....

...and my sidekick so I can take stupid pics like these a work. Music makes the day go by a lot faster..I jigger-rigged my radio at the office b/c the antenna broke pathetic is this...

My sister's b-day was last week, I bought her a pretty little gift. Two weekends ago Jill had her engagement party, it was wonderful. This past weekend was Memorial Day weekend, there was a big party held. It was okay, not as fun as I thought it would be...but I had some laughs. I posted a shit load of pics on photobucket (and deleted a shit load as well). Earlier that day I was forced to get a trim so I visited Amy.

...she ended up coming to the party too. Anywho, I've been apartment searching.. ready to leave this frat house. Besides beer pong that's played in the living room, and a poker table in the dining room...I think the "keg-orater" has just pushed me over the edge. To sum it up, I live in a 20 year old guys ultimate dream house. Oh, where to live, where to live. Oh! I almost forgot to mention the new game that's been going on here, BAGS! Anywho, I'm tired of writing so I'm out. Bye.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Used

So I'm really excited for the new Used album coming out at the end of
this month. I believe Atreyu is coming out with one this summer too. I'm
laying in bed because I'm too lazy to get the laptop. I'm watching the
Discovery Health channel (what else is new). The show that is on is
called "Super Obese", some of these things they are showing are quite
disturbing. Any I did some shopping. I bought 2 cute shirts
and 2 pairs of high heel pumps...not any pumps... Biviel pumps. They are
the cutest ever... I had to get both colors.

I'm exhasted to its bed
time!! Ciao!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Ragu is NOT sauce.

So I finally got my laptop..Yeeey! Today was long, I had so much paperwork to go through the stack on my desk is what I have left... for my second day I had a lot of information to absorb.

So apparently all the geese that chill outside the office had babies sometime today. They just chill there all day long. I counted 9 today. Other than the poop they leave everywhere, it's kinda cool. You can go right up to them, I guess it's kinda like NYC pigeons, nothing phases them (unless you get close to the babies..then they freak).

Anyways, babes is at school...and I'm debating on what we're gonna have for dinner so CIAO!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


So A.C. was good. Loved the board walk. I posted pics. We ate at the Rainforest Cafe. I used to go to the one in Westbury all the time before they closed down. I love staying at the Tropicana, it's so pretty. Today I started my new job, it was interesting. My desk is nicer than my old one, but I miss my old job. Tech Admin to VP's Assistant for Electro.. lots more responsibility, but I can handle it...hopefully. After my new job I went to dinner with some of my old co-workers. We had some laughs. Tomorrow I'm gonna get my new laptop...I'm excited. Babes bought me pretty flowers for my first day of work. He bought all this food to make a wonderful celebration dinner too..I ruined it by eating out with co-workers, I didnt know that he was secretly planning dinner. It's the thought that counted. He is the best and makes me feel like everything is gonna be alright. Cuddle time.. night night!

Friday, May 4, 2007

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen

So this will be the last entry written from work. They are going to take my computer and wipe it out/sell it, its the last one here. Though I am moving to bigger and better things, it still makes me a little sad. I have met so many people in the years I have been here. I have had so many memories..and been through many life changes/experiences while working here. There were times I thought I'd never say it...but I'm gonna miss this place.

p.s. were going to Atlantic City tonight, staying at the Tropicana (havana tower)which I'm excited about. it's so pretty there. Maybe I'll get to used my hot new camera...Sony T10, what a beauty.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

holy balloons

so today at work was long. all i did was blow up balloons in the office... this was only half way done...

I also ordered a huge Edible Arrangement basket for Carol and Eve. Hopefully they will like it. I have an appointment at 5pm today, I will give it to them then.

I have clothes shopping to do for my new job I start next week. So many new things going on...

Thursday, April 26, 2007


This past weekend babes, me, CJ, and Rick went to the Mets game. They were good seats and the tickets were free. It was fun even though they lost, whatever I'm a Yankees fan anyways. I went on another interview in New Rochelle yesterday. It went alright, but don't think I'll get it. However the other place I interviewed for called me a little while ago and wanted to know if I was interested. So we will see. Work has been boring and it's bare. I watched Tourists last night, it was okay. No P.T. today. Tomorrow babes and I are going out to dinner with my mom and dad. Cheryl found out she's having a baby. Today has been so slow, we've been looking up pics of parasitic twins and taking pics. Almost time to go home. yey.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Hello Friday.

So I finally set up my blogger so that I can post directly from my sk3.
Today is the nicest day we have had in a while. Yet I can't think of
anything to do but sleep. I have been so tired lately.. Tired isn't even
the word. Anyways I have another interview set up [p.s. The last one was
a waste of time and energy] but I don't know if I should even go, it's
not that far from home but over the bridge and I really don't feel like
tolls ever day is good...and I can't get there by train so I think New
Rochelle is out. We'll see how I feel about it after this weekend. Ugly
Betty was good last night. Daniel is a whore. No big plans that I know
of yet for this weekend. Hopefully babes can get off work for a
A.C. I just tried a new flavor made by Snapple called Pomegranate tastes like liquid candy in a bottle. Okay well... I must
go back to doing what I was doing... ciao lovers and haters.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Orbit Orange

So this weekend was alright. Didn't do Philly, but alright. Friday night was boring bed at 9pm. Saturday was alright, we got a new filter and food for the tank. We came home noticed there was no parking on the block, came into the house an noticed LOTS of people.. apparently a party. Later that night I went to dinner with Matt's friends' Rick, Nelly and some other kid, it was good. Babes stayed at the party though. Sunday came and we were supposed to go to the car show, it was the last day. However, the rain that came on Sunday was unreal, so we went and saw "Meet the Robinson's" in 3D. It was cute. Last night I was exhausted I drove and picked up babes from class. I got phone call from the BIO mom. I should be going to Korea sometime in the month and a half. What an experience. Tonight's Poker Night.. UGH.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

April O'Neil

So this morning I convinced myself that I didn't need to go to work. I was planning on staying home and cleaning. I called Laura and she said to come in. I was an hour late. The weather is terrible, so cold and rainy. It's a perfect day to stay under the covers and watch lame movies that I normally wouldn't watch. Any who, maybe its good I came into work. I found out they extended our closing for a tiny bit. That means more severance for me. I'm almost done with all my work and its only 1:15. I have P.T. after work. I can't wait to get home. I'm bored out of my mind plus Michelangelo is threatening suicide with a razorblade if we don't leave soon...

Monday, April 9, 2007

And They're Off....

So this weekend went by pretty fast. Friday at work there were a lot of laughs, to sum it up it was "a bee hive of productivity". Friday night came along, it was a flash back to my high school days of getting drunk and hanging in friends' basements. Saturday came, we went to the track, won some dingo, but didn't break even. Then had a nice Italian dinner and went to bed at 8pm. We didn’t wake up until 10am the following morning, bypassing the plans we were supposed to have with Rick and Nelly. Sunday came Easter day, watched a movie with babes.. “Slums of Beverly Hills". Then went our separate ways b/c the families were having dinner at the same time. Next weekend we are going to Philly again. I'm so excited!!! I posted some random pics, nothing exciting. Ciao lovers and trash gorillas.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Who picks yellow??? gross.

So yesterday I decided to leave work at 1pm. Babes came home early too. He made the bestest dinner yesterday. We bought dough from the pizzeria and he made a homemade chicken parm pizza. I made salad skewers from fresh mozzarella balls, cucumbers, grape tomatoes and salam. I have PT today. I'm tired. I sitting here waiting for a fax to come freakin transcripts from college. I've never been to an interview where someone asks for those..first time for everything I guess. Thank goodness I'm smart. School is cool folks.

Monday, April 2, 2007

uh-oh say ki oh

so saturday night was a bust... we fell asleep and never woke up... i woke up around 5am to missed calls and text messages. I am an asshole, I felt bad. yesterday babes and I went to Off The Wagon for pitchers. Posted some random pics. I'm so thirsty. My screensaver for work is awesome. My screen fills up with water and fishys swim around. How Cute.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

what up loser.

so last night was a sleep filled night. today we went to Dave's and chilled for the BBQ. now its nap time. we are going to The Gin Mill in the city to meet up with all my friends tonight. we all haven't seen each other (well at least at the same time) in forever. hopefully ill ave pics by the end of the night. ciao.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Oh Wow, Nice Hair Idiot.

Last night we had Pizza Sams.. no pizza though. On the house dinner is awesome. After that Watch AI...oh my lord. Start growing your hair. The pony-hawk is apparently IN now. I think they should call that hair style The Sanjaya or as I like to call him Sand-Gyna, short for Sandy Vagina....irritating just like him. Instructions: take sections of your hair and put them into ponytails to form something that RESEMBLES a Mohawk. ....Guy has a little too much sugar in his gas tank.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Yo, Philly!!

So Philly was good, we crammed a lot of things to do in to our schedule. I'm glad we went away. Took some pics, not a lot. They are already posted on the photobucket. I've been good with that lately. We went to Franklin Institute, Liberty Bell, saw the Independence Hall and the Eastern Penitentiary, The famous Art Museum stairs. Any who, before our Philly trip.. Friday I went out to have dinner with my Dad. After that I went home and Babes had some friends come over to play beer pong in the living room. It can be fun sometimes but sometimes it's SUPER GAY. The house smelled like ass when we got home from the mess. Last night we watched Planet Earth..looved it. Anyways, I'm at work and there's things to do so bye.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

DJ Go Fuck Yo-self!!!!

guesss why were packing??? b/c we are going to Philly. Yea PA WHAT UP. peace out. later losers. EDIT: so we made great timing and made it to philly by 3pm. we sang at the top of our lungs the whole way there <3. we checked into our hotel room, took a nap, went to the store..whoa. ate dinner and planned out out day tomorrow. Want to hit up the liberty bell, the science museum, the eastern state prison, the independence hall, the mint..dont know if were gonna get through it's almost 1:30am so i need to sleepies. babes has the air conditioner on and i just got out of the shower so im freeeezing. anywho...i forgot my camera..ugggghhh. I guess i will have to rely on the sk3.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Hey Boobie

Soooo... This weekend was good. took some pics and posted them to my photobucket in a timely fashion which is unusual. Any who There were a lot of laughs this weekend. Saturday St Pattys was good, then we had the family party Sunday which was good.. it's good that my family like babes..cause i think it's really important that families like the people that you are with. My 19 year old sister just got engaged!!! But dad says that Matt's still his favorite future son in law. I'm happy..they are gonna have a guys' hang out date soon. The circus Sunday night was good.. BELLO! We were supposed to go to Tommy's fight this this Friday but it was cancelled. Got my new SK3 and going to buy Matt's new one today since a car ran his other SK3 over in VT..not my fault..okay a little my fault. Blah Blah Blah.... Oh and as for my interview.. it went well... we will see.......

Friday, March 16, 2007

Circus Boy

So this weekend should be fun. Tonight I have some stuff I have to take care of. Tomorrow we have the bar crawl in the city..we're not gonna make it through 35 bars, but hopefully it's fun. Sunday we have my family party of green-ness, then babes and I are taking the children to Ringling Bros at Nassau Coliseum. It's gonna be a packed weekend. Then come Monday I have an interview. We'll see how that goes. I don't want to walk in with high hopes just incase I am let down.

Monday, March 12, 2007


My Slippies gave me blisters. Friday night it was a double date of sorts we went out with Ricky and Nelly, we hit up Strike. That place is super fun. I played a lot of games and Matt won a HUGE My Little Pony stuffed animal for me. They did some bowling, I opted not to play. After all that we all went and had a late dinner. Saturday came, babes and I took another trip to Petco in Union Square. We bought some more things for a HUGE fish tank. I never mentioned that we have a new addition to the family named Sly Sly as of three weeks ago. Sunday came around and we went to The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Classy. I opened drawers from the 1800's that said Do Not Touch, I'm a rebel. It was nice out yesterday, we walked through Central Park. NOTE: every little kid we saw yesterday was a ginger. So I'm supposed to have an interview this week, we'll see. Babes starts school today. All steps for our future. Soon we will be looking for a new place to live. I foresee many new things/changes in 2007.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Can We Say Brrrrrrrrr.

I'm freezing. I'm not looking forward to getting into a freezing car to go to work. Anywho, so they started letting people go. Today it was Rick. So Sad. Anywho I posted pics up from this weekend. We took another trip to E Island. It was fabulous. And finally posted the pics from VT...3 weeks late, but whatev. I gotta get ready for work. PEACE!!

Friday, March 2, 2007

A Beginning to an End

So it been a pretty hectic week, CompUSA stores are closing..well 126 out of 229. We're does that leave me? I don't know. Though I never saw myself working as an Administrator for CompUSA the rest of my life, it's sad to be leaving after perfecting my job. Ranked #1 in the country, and though some may not's an accomplishment I'm proud of. Just the thought that I could go into ANY CUSA store across the U.S. and say I'm better than you is awesome. I keep telling myself that the stores closing is a good thing in some ways, it was probably the only way to kick some motivation in to my ass to move on so I could better myself. I've been here for awhile so severance should be nice, and I'm going to see my accountant next week and he hooks me up. So financially I should be okay for awhile. Hell, that would be enough for 2 months mortgage payment for my dads house, maybe we should just go down there. So we'll see what happens... Good news is dad is in NY again. I went to my grandmother's house for a little last night she made Matt a dinner plate to bring home. He's fallen in love with her meatballs and sauce. Dad says an Italian can never have enough sauce.

Monday, February 26, 2007


So the T.V. is up and's the BEST. Anyways, I got some bad news work related today, but whatever is gonna happen is gonna happen..we will see. Maybe it's what I need to light a fire under my ass, I'm good at what I do and I'm way comfortable that's what it's gonna have to take I think. RENO 911 MIAMI it was really the only thing I was looking forward to for the weekend, I couldn't tell you how it was. GEEZ, what a let down. Today I'm gonna see if we have a bigger tank at Mom's old house for Spaz and Henry, fat asses. CIAO losers!!

Friday, February 23, 2007


So total this week I've worked 12 hours. Yesterday babes and I played monopoly and Mario party. I just played a funny joke. I put a razor blade in my mouth then Scott came in and i pulled it out. then asked him if mouth was bleeding (my tongue looked all bloody.) he freaked out. (it was crystal light fruit punch mix). I died. RENO 911 comes out today!!! YeY. I will see that before the weekend is over. I LOVE IT, I own the season box sets. any who, I'm gonna go. Tim comes in today and hopefully he'll make a sweet ass deal on that huge LCD HDTV for me, so babes can go pick up a new cable box. Ciao fuckers.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Momma Said Knock You Out

So VT was an experience. There was so much snow!!! A wise man once said,” Hell is not hot; it is 21 degrees and snowing." Any who the house was huge. There were some laughs, some dancing, ran over sidekick, some starving, some Peach flavored poison, miniature shot glasses, Smokey fire places, smelly hot tubs, friends that scam other friends out of 400 dollars, car pushing, bloody lip, super scary hill, Hershey kiss cherry truffle hot chocolate, strangers, Wrigley and more!! Came back Sunday to a nice evening at home. I will put pics up tonight; it's basically a dance video. Today is my first day back at work in 4 days. Babes and I rearranged and bought new furniture. My favorite, our matching night stands with our awesome lamps. I wish I was home right now. I have 2 appointments today. I have to leave work early. Some how I have to manage buying new work pants in today too.

Friday, February 16, 2007

almost there.

So right now I'm in the car...bored. Left work at 1pm. Babes is driving, we are 40 minutes away. So much traffic because people don't know how to freakin drive. Today must be "lets flip my car and cause traffic day". Anywho I'm thankful traffic is over and I'm thankful that babes drove this time and I'm thankful for this sidekick. I'm gonna go now...yey for not being in ny!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Late V-day

Your hazel green tint eyes watching every move I make. And that feeling of doubt, it's erased. I'll never feel alone again with you by my side. You're the one, and in you I confide. And we have gone through good and bad times. But your unconditional love was always on my mind. You've been there from the start for me. And your loves always been true as can be. I give my heart to you. I give my heart, cause nothing can compare in this world to you.
________ I am speechless about yesterday...I will leave it at that. Take it however you will. Anyways today trying to get my car out of solid mountains of ice was interesting and annoying. I am going to try and leave work early again today, I have to pick babes up in Brooklyn cause his car was just impossible this morning. Tomorrow is friday, you know what that means?? (besides the weekend ofcourse). Hopefully I will be enjoying my time away from here while all you losers are stuck here doing LAME things in SHITTY NY. CIAO!! MUAHZ!!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Awesome Weekend.

So I'm at work doing my work-like things. Friday was awesome. Tommy had his first knockout of his professional career. One minute and 6 seconds into the 2nd round and his opponent wouldn’t even get up off the ground. After the fight we went home and watched the other fights again on ESPN. So he is still undefeated, yey. Pictures of his win can be seen here. Tommy Rainone Pics. It's nice to know that if anyone ever messed with me that Brandon and his friends are always down for a good fight. Like the time that the Bethpage fight broke out and Brandon showed up with Tommy and Ed. Nothing has happened since that I would find "worth it" to accept the offer again. Anyways Saturday was a relaxing day, we hit up Yonkers for about 10 mins only because Babes won 161.00 on penny slots and I took my own advise (unlike Atlantic City) "Quit While You're Ahead". Good advise..cause now we can say.. Sunday was Fabulous, Matt planned the day out wonderfully. We went to the Palisades Mall, watched a 5 year old kick ass in Dance, Dance Revolution and it was amazing, something you would see on YouTube. Babes bought me the hottest shoes ever, the ones that I've been longing for. It was a nice afternoon..minus the "someone stole my car" experience we had going for about 10 minutes..but it's one of those things to remember and laugh about. We got home around dinner time, made Chicken Cordon Bleu for the first time. We watched Blue Collar Comedy on DVD for a little, then went to the movies and saw Norbit. ::snaps finger::(Heeeeeey.) It was funny. Any who Annamaria's wedding is this Friday. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend. I feel really bad about it. So this weekend should be a great continuation of our one SOLID year celebration together. We leave NY on Friday. Oh..the excitement. Like I said before these are what I call "Eventful" days. I love them. And I love my sweetheart for making my days amazing. (Heyyyyyy). "This love is Real, This love is UNTOUCHABLE"

Friday, February 9, 2007

TGIF Mother Effers

Today I left work early, went to the bank, dropped something off to Amy, now I am home. The room is messy, not good kick off to a weekend so I will be cleaning soon. The fight is tonight, I hope it's as fun as I think it will be. We have to pick up my mom on the way there cause she doesn't feel like driving. She's so funny, "You know yer really old when you start lying about your age." Any who I'm out cause the online world is for lonely losers and that's not me today.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Cute? Weird? Hrmm...

anywho... Anna Nicole Smith died today... the whole thing with her and her son..hell, her whole life is really confusing. It hurts my head.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


On really bad days I sit and think to myself, I'm really glad that I'm not some people. Sure everything might not be going the way I want it to, but I'm awesome. People love me. I have a great family. I'm pretty. I'm never lonely. I have a wonderful hubby that takes care of me and I have great boobs. The end.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Ew, Butt Chin!!

So the Superbowl get together was okay. I didn't watch any of it. They guys thought it was a fabulous idea to BBQ INSIDE the house, what an experience. I'm glad Dillon's G/F was there to keep me from complete boredom. While everyone watched the game we filled time with trips to gas stations, painting nails, shopping for fruit, and the best part.. immature gossiping. The house was a complete disaster. There were beer cans and bottles and dirty dishes and food everywhere. It looked like a welfare, take your kids away from you episode of Cops. All we needed was a toddler with a dirty diaper running across the kitchen. Anywho I finally went to MAC after running out of shit months ago. Babes made me dinner last night and cleaned to room, he is the best. I am so angry with my job right now. So angry. I am taking a half day on Friday. My W2 finally came. I will be calling one of my most favorite people, MARIO!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 4, 2007


It's after 4am, babes is sleeping and I am watching Discovery Health as usual. I was bored and decided to re-do m hair at about 3am. Yesterday was moms birthday. I forgot to call her, I am a terrible daughter. I will call her today. I need to go to sleep, we are having a Superbowl Party and people are going to start coming around 12pm...something tells me I will not be rested. Any who, I hope tomorrow goes well!! CIAO!!

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Nice Saturday.

Last night a bunch of people came over and we all hung out till around 2am. Lots of beer pong action. This morning consisted of 2 round trips to Brooklyn, then laziness and sleep. Babes and I took a trip to Toy R Us a little while ago, I wanted a craft set so badly, they had nothing. We ended up getting an interactive game you play on T.V., The Price Is Right to be exact. It shall be fun. Babes bought a Spiderman shower radio. He's in the shower now using it, I think this is the longest I've ever seen him in the shower for. Anywho, I must go now..I got better things to do now. Ta-Ta!!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Contrast Coloring

Today my mom is having surgery, if all goes well she will be released to go home today. I'm going to stop by the house and see how she's doing after work. Hopefully I'll have some time to hit up the gym after that. Last night the gym kicked my ass. Afterwards, I did my hair (with the help of babes). Any who the next couple Fridays should be fun. On the 9th we are going to watch Tommy Rainone fight, one of my cousins best friends. It should be good, he is the former golden gloves champion of amateur boxing, recently turned professional. So far he's 4-0, let's see if he can keep it up. The weekend after I'm even more excited about, we're going to Vermont. Babes and I went 2 years ago with everyone and had a blast(as long as there's no accidents with T.V.'s this time..muah). The house that everyone rented for the weekend was pretty sweet, from what I hear this one is even better. Nothing like Vermont houses, they make you feel like you're on set of an Abercrombie & Fitch photo shoot. I love it. These kinds of things are what I call "eventful". Not being a low life hanging out in bars or clubbing, lame. Don't hate on my eventful life, you can always pretend to be me. mwahaha.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Wow, That's Pathetic.

So today at work there was an interesting conversation that had taken place. I did not put my 2 cents in because I really didn't want to get involved. TOPIC: Meeting people from the online world. MY OPINION: It is lame and for losers. From the bottom of my heart, I believe only pathetic people do it. Meeting people through the internet's for the uglies, the weirdos, the insecure, and the psychos. That's really all I have to say about that. In other news, today is super t.v. day. I think I will stop at the mall after P.T. and pick some things up to beautify myself even more than I am already. (if that's even possible!!.. oh snap!!). Don't hate me cause you ain't me bitches. muah.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Wet 2 Straight

Good Evening. This morning I woke up kinda early, watched 2 episodes of MAD T.V., loved it. It should be a nice Sunday. So this new fingerprint reader Matt bought for the computer is uber cool. The new H.K. wallpaper he put up for me it's pretty sweet. Tomorrow babe's lil bro Dillon and his g/f Steph are going to be on The Today Show. They are doing some fitness thing on it, we're gonna have to record it. Anyways, today we went to the Bronx Zoo, it was fabulous!!! I took a lot of pictures and will upload them to photobucket before the end of the night. (unlike the D.C. pics I never got to). Sooo anywho I'm off to make dinner. Laterz. P.s. Did I mention how great today was?? Today was awesome. Pictures can be seen - HERE.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

I'm Hot, Yer Not.

So, Last night was good. We had a quiet,relaxing night at home. Today was a long ass day. Babes and I woke up and headed to Manhattan at 8am, we were back home by 10am. May I add we had an awesome breakfast. We played some games, I kicked butt the first round. Before we knew it, it was 7 o'clock. We went back to the city and had dinner at Jekyll and Hyde, not the crappy one downtown. Now we are finally home, babes is ass'd out and I just finished my nails. I'm watching the Discovery Health Channel, my favorite. Any who, as soon as my nails dry I'm off to join my babes in bed, I'm pooped. Gnite to the beautiful. "Without love, all of those things are to no avail. They are worthless endeavors, like grasping after the wind; they profit nothing."

Friday, January 26, 2007

Take a Dirt Nap.

So today was my last appointment with Dr. Montero, unless something starts bothering me I don't have to go back. T.G.I.F. folks. Works seems like another easy day, just long. A little hectic with this whole Vista launch. Last night I don't think there was a new Ugly Betty, I'll have to see if it recorded. We went out to dinner last night, it was great. We were in bed by 9:30. I like love going to bed early. P.T. is after work today, then the gym. It is damn cold outside. This weekend is supposed to be MY weekend, we'll see. In other news, today I am thankful. With everything that I stress about put aside, I am thankful for the love I have in my life.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Yea, I'm in this business of terror...

What up homosexuals. Today is "hers-day" according to the radio, to's just one day closer to Friday. I'm not particularly in a good mood, thank G that babes does things to make days better for me. Tonight we have an "outing" to one of my favorite places. Be jealous. In other news, today was the first day of real snow fall for me, even though it didn’t stick. I would like to go to the gym right after work again, but I just realized that I left my ipod at home. I know that sounds lame, but I really need my music or else time goes by so slow. Also, without music I catch myself observing the people around me and then I end up judging them. Yesterday my ipod died the last 10 minutes I was there and my eyes started to wander, this one girl I saw riding the bike machine (first of all, who goes to the gym to use the bike?) she must have weighed 300 pounds and all I could think was. How does one get to this capacity? Honestly. Gonna need more than a bike sweety. I know it's not right to think, but those are things that go through my mind. So in conclusion, no gym today. Tomorrow morning I will be visiting Dr. Montero, then working, then PT, then the gym. Talk about a long day. Any who, I gotta run. Ciao.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Hey Red Face..

So after a little over an hour at the gym, I'm finally home. I plan on doing nothing else for the rest of the night. Babes says I smell like "work-out". Work was long but easy, so I'm not gonna complain. Scott brought chocolates today, it was awesome. So I guess I should shower now. Babes is recording "The White Rapper Show". It's so ridiculously stupid that it's hilarious. I just can't believe that people would honestly embarrass themselves like these people do. Any who.. I'm out scumbags. -- so I just got out of the shower and lucky I "intruder proofed" the bathroom once again.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Poor Baby.

Last night after PT I went home and cleaned, did laundry, made dinner, did my nails, and watched Prison Break and 24. Today work is going by slow, not that I don't have a lot to do or anything. Brandon just stopped by with the manager of O.A.R., I think his name is Dave. It's not the first time meeting him, but I can never remember it. From what I hear O.A.R. is pretty big. Those things don't faze me. Kinda like the time some guy left forgot a power adapter and I ended up having to drive it to their show @ The Downtown, ended up being for Blue October. Scored free tickets from them that night. Anyways, Matt and I didn't miss much by not going to Gavin's party. I didn't think we would have anyway. Did I mention how pretty my nails are?

Monday, January 22, 2007

I Hate Mr. Cashman!

So A.C. was good, so good infact, we stayed the whole weekend. I want A Sweet Sleeper Bed!! I played the penny slots, I won $174, $97, and $50. After that it was pretty much down hill, well not really..I gave the $174 to babes. After all, he did give me the $10 that won it, plus who knows how much through out the weekend to gamble, and paid for the rooms. Me, the Queen of "Quit While You're Ahead", couldn't even take my own advise though. Lord. A.C. is pretty much in the middle of complete scum. Anyways, it was so hard to get up this morning. Today is a long one. I can't wait till it's over and I can run home to my babes. He puts up with all my crap and still loves me more than ever. I kept looking at him all weekend with nothing going through my head but the thought of "I love him so much.". It makes me so happy to know that through all the crap we've been through and all the detours we've had, the ending was worth it. Human nature, the fear of dying alone is the worst. It's the best feeling in the world to know that he'll be be my side for the rest of my life. I wish I didn't have PT today. I want to go home already. "without love, you have nothing." p.s. It would be pretty amazing if we bought my dads house in TX. It's huge, great to start a family, most of all it's an ideal house for the perfect life.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Sucks For You.

I've been up since babes left at 6:30am for work. I'm here typing and doing my hair since I didn't do it last night before bed. It was enough that I struggled to stay awake for U.B.. Had to watch it around 12:30am b/c we went to that "hell hole" again. Even though today is Friday, I'm not looking forward to it. Thank G, I don't have P.T. after work to add to it. Up at 6:30am, work 9am to 5pm, gym 5:45pm to 8pm, home after 8:30pm, then possibly Atlantic City. If I'm tired now, how am I gonna survive the rest of the day? I don't know why I am complaining, being tired is being trivial. Being tired is the least of my problems. I recieved more bills from surgery, someone get me a shotgun. Seriously. Enough of being a negative nelly, I do have a lot to be thankful for. I have my health, I have my family, I have things that people wish they had, I have someone who loves me dearly and takes care of me, I have friends that have always been true to me. and I'm also very thankful for THE SNOW ON THE GROUND THIS MORNING!!!!! YEEEYYYYY. EDIT: I'll be in Atlantic City staying at the Sheraton with Babes tonight!! YEY!!! I hope he wins dingo!!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I know. I know. It's been a couple days since an update, so I'm here to satisfy your withdrawal. So where did I leave off, oh yes.. slots. Well, babes came out almost $250 dollars more than what he went in with, so it was a good night. Sunday came, had a wonderful 2 hour mandatory meeting (wonderful=sarcastic). Afterwards we had a double date and went to brunch in Brooklyn at a fabulous place called Frankie's. Then football (yes, what a supportive wifey I am.). Monday came and went, nothing really special, then today full of work and the gym. I stopped by my mom's new place on Manhattan Ave, it smells pretty. Found out she's having surgery soon. I worry about her. I love my mom. Finally, I am home. It's poker night so babes is playing with the boys. Me, well I'm catching up on the the O.C. we recorded last week, typing and doing my hair in between it all. Hopefully we'll finish up 24 tonight. Ugly Betty, a golden globe winner!! So American Idol started, I hate that show and always have. The only good part is the pathetic fools trying out. Enough of that, I will talk about the weather now. Brrr. I love it. Okay babes and i just stepped out for a stog, it's too cold. I retract my "I love it" statement. Anyways, I just got really tired all of a sudden, need to rest for work. Work..kinda like something you should most likely be doing. Stop reading now and go back to work!!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

I Hate Slots

So last night we hit up Yonkers. Matt gave me 60 bux and told me to have fun, I went off and did my thing (mind you, I've never played). Oh-My-Lord. Here was how the night went. Valet Parked, forgot my I.D. in the car, had to wait for the guy to bring it back to me. Finally after that whole detour.. I walked in, amazed, I've never seen so many slots in one place. It was so noisy from people and slot music, it looked exciting. Matt told me to go have fun so I found some machines that looked good, sat down... ::pressed button:: yey!! Did I win? NO. okay. again. ::pressed button again:: "did I win?" NO. hrmm. ::pressed button:: win? NO. ::pressed:: win? UUUUGHHHHHHH!!! ::pressed:: FUCKIN SHIT!!! ::pressed:: TIME TO LEAVE I CAN'T TAKE THIS PLACE!!! ....That went on for a little over an hour. So I was talking to someone about slots and they said "hrmm slots. Yea, you either love them or hate them". CJ managed to win 40 dingos. I vow to leave the slots to the blue haired in the future. Slots are gay. Tonight should be better. EDIT: guess where i get to go tonight? yonkers.

Friday, January 12, 2007

S is for Superior

Ugly Betty was enough to make up for the horrible ride to Bayridge last night. I should of at least ran into C.21 to see if they still had those Adidas I wanted. After work should be packed of stuff too. PT, then I need a new sports bra for the gym. I told Matt I was getting one because sports bras are the first step to becoming a lesbian. I brought soup today for lunch, I'm awesome. Today hasn't been too busy. I think I want to merge all my blogs since 2003 together, but I have to figure out some tweaks along the way. It's going to take me a while. In other news, I'm excited about hitting up Yonkers this weekend. Even though I think there's some rule out there stating you're not allowed to play unless you're a 60+ woman, the slot slut machines look fun, I wanna play! Ciao Fuckers! EDIT: Moved 22 entries so far, over a 1000 more to go. Ugh. I'll be done by next year at this rate.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Yo Ugly B.

Guess what tonight is. It's Thursday and I only look forward to one thing on Thursday nights. If you don't know, well then you stink. Anyways, today was long. Monday starts my new after work schedule. gotaa go

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Happy Anniversary

Matthew Jay "Love is when you look into someone's eyes, and see everything you need." You are everything I could possibly need out of this life of mine. When the world seems unfair and at the end of miserable work days, knowing when night falls, we will be by each other's sides is enough to make it through. You make me the happiest girl in the world and I can't wait for what the future brings to us, even if it's a horrid little Trump. As long as I'm with you I know everything will be okay. I love you with all my heart. Happy Versay and an eternity more.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Mrs. Bloomberg. Old People Suck.

Go, run away in distress try to hide from whats creeping and crawling and stabbing within try to deny the turmoil inside if you fight yourself hard enough you'll never win any ounce of serenity or a calm hope at best can leave you heaving on the floor gasping for breath, are you gasping for breath to be left on the floor gasping for breath your either the person you are or the person your trying to be dont let the outside sway too far from where you want to be and at any cruel moments notice you can ruin the best as your body is brutally pressed against the confines of your tense flesh and if you close your eyes tight enough (none of the bad can get in) and if you close your eyes tight enough the light cant get in BOOM. you scream as the light hits you it radiates throughout your whole soul BOOM. the pain is clarity, it cleanses and if it still fucking hurts then you still fucking know, that you are still alive, that you are still in control, if only take hold BOOM. the day with both hands, a death grip and a good chance to outlive your past are you living free?

Monday, January 8, 2007

Alexandria or Gabriella?

Yesterday was full of football at Dave's house, I think I fell asleep. Afterwards we we to my X-mas party at Dave and Busters aka Jillian's. I still have 2000 tickets left over!! YeY. I don't want to be at work today. I'm tired even though we were in bed by 11pm and I slept pretty well last night. Maybe it's the weather and the fact that I have so much to do at work today plus PT. It's going to be a long ass day and it's only 11am. In other news, I was informed that my future child will be the next Trump, the source will remain anonymous. Thank you.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Funk Chunk Master Flex!!

Driving to Brooklyn at 7am is no fun. I really need to get my oil changed today. Yesterday I bought a pair of PINK sweats from Victoria Secret, super comfy! It was an early night. It's really stinky babes has to work for a little today. I'm bored. You know what else stinks? The weather. It's 59 degrees, and according to the widget it's supossed to go up to 72?! Is this a fuggin joke? If not, this is so bullshit. Will it snow anytime during our winter season??? Well, I'm off to watch some T.V. then get an oil change. Hopefully by then it will be time to pick my hubby up. EDIT: okay so I never got my oil changed, but I did try. The guy said 30 mins, that was too long for me to wait. I cleaned out my car though. Anyways, so I guess we have a dinner date tonight with Chris and Cara. I'm off to take a shower. Ciao.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

What's it Worth?

R.I.P. to the O.C.? Anyways, today has been rough. Really rough. This is the first time today I get to have 5 minutes straight for myself. Conference call at 4pm after that, smooth sailing. I think I need some me time at the mall today, not even to really shop. For some reason just walking around the mall alone relieves stress and gets my mind off a lot. I do the same when I'm in the city just walking, whether it be stress from work or bills or just stupid crap. It's really important that people have "me" time. That's what I want to do today after work, mall, finish laundry, and watch Ugly Betty!!!! YeY! p.s. I love my hub.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

House Wife.

My New Years was nice. We basically owned the beer pong table. Our best streak was 6 wins in a row. I was named "Send it in Sue". Eh, what can I say, Matt and I make a great team. Yesterday I was extremely cranky, actually let's be real, I was a bitch. I'm glad I have someone that puts up with my crap, he did everything he could to make me feel better. I love him. We went to Aqueduct yesterday, won 80 dollars on a long shot horse. Then a family party and Jackass 2. The movie was funny and so gross, I had to look away twice. In other news, I get to visit fabulous Dr. Montero after work. New years resolutions: Get my ass back to the gym and better financial planning. Oh so cliche!